Found 44 Results for: abominable/page/4/page/4/page/4/page/2

  • Heed my charge, then, not to defile yourselves by observing the abominable customs that have been observed before you. I, the LORD, am your God." (Leviticus 17, 30)

  • If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. (Leviticus 19, 13)

  • You shall not bring any abominable thing into your house, lest you be doomed with it; loathe and abhor it utterly as a thing that is doomed. (Deuteronomy 7, 26)

  • "You shall not eat any abominable thing. (Deuteronomy 14, 3)

  • lest they teach you to make any such abominable offerings as they make to their gods, and you thus sin against the LORD, your God. (Deuteronomy 20, 18)

  • They provoked him with strange gods and angered him with abominable idols. (Deuteronomy 32, 16)

  • There were also cult prostitutes in the land. Judah imitated all the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the Israelites' way. (1 Kings 14, 24)

  • He became completely abominable by following idols, just as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD drove out before the Israelites. (1 Kings 21, 26)

  • but conducted himself like the kings of Israel, and even immolated his son by fire, in accordance with the abominable practice of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way of the Israelites. (2 Kings 16, 3)

  • He did evil in the sight of the LORD, following the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way of the Israelites. (2 Kings 21, 2)

  • Moreover, he offered sacrifice in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, and immolated his sons by fire according to the abominable practice of the nations which the LORD had cleared out before the Israelites. (2 Chronicles 28, 3)

  • He did evil in the sight of the LORD, following the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way of the Israelites. (2 Chronicles 33, 2)

“Você deve ter sempre prudência e amor. A prudência tem olhos; o amor tem pernas. O amor, como tem pernas, gostaria de correr a Deus. Mas seu impulso de deslanchar na direção dEle é cego e, algumas vezes, pode tropeçar se não for guiado pela prudência, que tem olhos.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina