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  • Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters. (Genesis 1, 2)

  • God said, 'Let there be a vault through the middle of the waters to divide the waters in two.' And so it was. (Genesis 1, 6)

  • God made the vault, and it divided the waters under the vault from the waters above the vault. (Genesis 1, 7)

  • God said, 'Let the waters under heaven come together into a single mass, and let dry land appear.' And so it was. (Genesis 1, 9)

  • God called the dry land 'earth' and the mass of waters 'seas', and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1, 10)

  • God said, 'Let the waters be alive with a swarm of living creatures, and let birds wing their way above the earth across the vault of heaven.' And so it was. (Genesis 1, 20)

  • God created great sea-monsters and all the creatures that glide and teem in the waters in their own species, and winged birds in their own species. God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1, 21)

  • God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters of the seas; and let the birds multiply on land.' (Genesis 1, 22)

  • 'For my part I am going to send the flood, the waters, on earth, to destroy all living things having the breath of life under heaven; everything on earth is to perish. (Genesis 6, 17)

  • Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came, the waters over the earth. (Genesis 7, 6)

  • Noah with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives boarded the ark to escape the waters of the flood. (Genesis 7, 7)

  • Seven days later the waters of the flood appeared on earth. (Genesis 7, 10)

“Reze, reze! Quem muito reza se salva e salva os outros. E qual oração pode ser mais bela e mais aceita a Nossa Senhora do que o Rosario?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina