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  • He adorned the building with precious stones of great beauty; the gold was gold from Parvaim, (2 Chronicles 3, 6)

  • As soon as the men saw her, her face so transformed and her clothes so different, they were full of admiration for her beauty and said to her, (Judith 10, 7)

  • They were captivated by her beauty and, on seeing her, they praised the sons of Israel and said to one another, "Who can look down on the people who have such women? It would be a mistake to leave one man alive; they would be able to deceive the whole world." (Judith 10, 19)

  • As Judith came before him and his officers, they all admired the beauty of her face. Throwing herself face downwards to the ground, she bowed before him; the servants of Holofernes raised her up. (Judith 10, 23)

  • "From one end of the earth to the other there is no woman like her for the beauty of her face and the wisdom of her words." (Judith 11, 21)

  • So Judith entered the tent and took her place. The heart of Holofernes was ravished by her beauty, his whole being was captivated and he had a passionate desire to possess her. Ever since the first day he had seen her, he had been waiting for an occasion to seduce her. (Judith 12, 16)

  • Their hero has not been overcome by young warriors; he was not struck down by the sons of the Titans, or laid low by any great giants. But it is Judith, the daughter of Merari, who by the beauty of her face has defeated him. For the relief of the oppressed in Israel (Judith 16, 6)

  • Her sandals delighted his eyes, her beauty captivated his soul, and the scimitar cut through his neck. (Judith 16, 9)

  • to bring into his presence Queen Vashti with her royal crown, for she was very lovely and he wished to display her beauty to the people and nobles. (Esther 1, 11)

  • Let him appoint commissioners throughout the provinces of his realm to bring all the beautiful young virgins to the harem in Susa. Let them be put under the care of the royal eunuch Hegai, custodian of women, and let them be given ointments for beauty treatment. (Esther 2, 3)

  • Although her heart was frozen with fear, she looked radiant in her perfect beauty, her face depicting love and joy. (Esther 15, 5)

  • Nowhere in the land was there found any woman who could compare in beauty with Job's daughters. Their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers. (Job 42, 15)

“Mesmo quando perdemos a consciência deste mundo, quando parecemos já mortos, Deus nos dá ainda uma chance de entender o que é realmente o pecado, antes de nos julgar. E se entendemos corretamente, como podemos não nos arrepender?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina