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  • He seized Joseph and threw him into the jail where the royal prisoners were confined. But even while he was in prison, (Genesis 39, 20)

  • Some time afterward, the royal cupbearer and baker gave offense to their lord, the king of Egypt. (Genesis 40, 1)

  • gird them with the sashes, and tie the turbans on them. Thus shall the priesthood be theirs by perpetual law, and thus shall you ordain Aaron and his sons. (Exodus 29, 9)

  • As you have anointed their father, anoint them also as my priests. Thus, by being anointed, shall they receive a perpetual priesthood throughout all future generations." (Exodus 40, 15)

  • "This atonement is to be made by the priest who has been anointed and ordained to the priesthood in succession to his father. He shall wear the linen garments, the sacred vestments, (Leviticus 15, 32)

  • These are the names of the sons of Aaron, the anointed priests who were ordained to exercise the priesthood. (Numbers 3, 3)

  • He has allowed you and your kinsmen, the descendants of Levi, to approach him, and yet you now seek the priesthood too. (Numbers 16, 10)

  • The LORD said to Aaron, "You and your sons as well as the other members of your ancestral house shall be responsible for the sanctuary; but the responsibility of the priesthood shall rest on you and your sons alone. (Numbers 18, 1)

  • But only you and your sons are to have charge of performing the priestly functions in whatever concerns the altar and the room within the veil. I give you the priesthood as a gift. Any layman who draws near shall be put to death." (Numbers 18, 7)

  • Kindly let us pass through your country. We will not cross any fields or vineyards, nor drink any well water, but we will go straight along the royal road without turning to the right or to the left, until we have passed through your territory." (Numbers 20, 17)

  • "Let us pass through your country. We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, nor will we drink any well water, but we will go straight along the royal road until we have passed through your territory." (Numbers 21, 22)

  • which shall be for him and for his descendants after him the pledge of an everlasting priesthood, because he was zealous on behalf of his God and thus made amends for the Israelites." (Numbers 25, 13)

“Leve Deus aos doente; valera’ mais do que qualquer tratamento!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina