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  • he took a liking to Joseph and made him his personal attendant; he put him in charge of his household and entrusted to him all his possessions. (Genesis 39, 4)

  • The LORD said to Aaron, "You and your sons as well as the other members of your ancestral house shall be responsible for the sanctuary; but the responsibility of the priesthood shall rest on you and your sons alone. (Numbers 18, 1)

  • and there you shall bring your holocausts and sacrifices, your tithes and personal contributions, your votive and freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and flocks. (Deuteronomy 12, 6)

  • then to the place which the LORD, your God, chooses as the dwelling place for his name you shall bring all the offerings I command you: your holocausts and sacrifices, your tithes and personal contributions, and every special offering you have vowed to the LORD. (Deuteronomy 12, 11)

  • Moreover, you shall not, in your own communities, partake of your tithe of grain or wine or oil, of the first-born of your herd or flock, of any offering you have vowed, of your freewill offerings, or of your personal contributions. (Deuteronomy 12, 17)

  • "If in your own community there is a case at issue which proves too complicated for you to decide, in a matter of bloodshed or of civil rights or of personal injury, you shall then go up to the place which the LORD, your God, chooses, (Deuteronomy 17, 8)

  • David then took from her what she had brought him and said to her: "Go up to your home in peace! See, I have granted your request as a personal favor." (1 Samuel 25, 35)

  • May the full responsibility for the death of Abner, son of Ner, be laid to Joab and to all his family. May the men of Joab's family never be without one suffering from a discharge, or a leper, or one unmanly, one falling by the sword, or one in need of bread!" (2 Samuel 3, 29)

  • On that day David said: "All who wish to attack the Jebusites must strike at them through the water shaft. The lame and the blind shall be the personal enemies of David." That is why it is said, "The blind and the lame shall not enter the palace." (2 Samuel 5, 8)

  • For the priests Joash made this rule: "All the funds for sacred purposes that are brought to the temple of the LORD--the census tax, personal redemption money, and whatever funds are freely brought to the temple of the LORD-- (2 Kings 12, 5)

  • And from the city he took one courtier, a commander of soldiers, five men in the personal service of the king who were still in the city, the scribe of the army commander, who mustered the people of the land, and sixty of the common people still remaining in the city. (2 Kings 25, 19)

  • But now, because of the delight I take in the house of my God, in addition to all that I stored up for the holy house, I give to the house of my God my personal fortune in gold and silver: (1 Chronicles 29, 3)

“Caminhe sempre e somente no bem e dê, cada dia, um passo à frente na linha vertical, de baixo para cima.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina