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  • Stay with him a while, until your brother's fury cools, (Genesis 27, 44)

  • and by your great majesty you fell your assailants; you unleash your fury, it consumes them like chaff. (Exodus 15, 7)

  • I shall go against you in fury and punish you seven times over for your sins. (Leviticus 26, 28)

  • For I was afraid of this anger, of the fury which so roused Yahweh against you that he was ready to destroy you. And, once again, Yahweh heard my prayer. (Deuteronomy 9, 19)

  • In anger, in fury, in fierce wrath, Yahweh has torn them from their own country and flung them into another country, where they are today." (Deuteronomy 29, 27)

  • And the spirit of Yahweh seized on Saul when he heard these words, and he fell into a fury. (1 Samuel 11, 6)

  • Now there was a prophet of Yahweh there by the name of Oded, who went out to meet the troops returning to Samaria and said, 'Look, because Yahweh, God of your ancestors, was angry with Judah, he put them at your mercy, but you have slaughtered them with such fury as reached to heaven, (2 Chronicles 28, 9)

  • Observe their arrogance, send your fury on their heads, give the strength I have in mind to this widow's hand. (Judith 9, 9)

  • attacking me again and again, your fury against me ever increasing, your troops assailing me, wave after wave. (Job 10, 17)

  • Let the fury of your anger burst forth, humble the haughty at a glance! (Job 40, 11)

  • with trembling kiss his feet, lest he be angry and your way come to nothing, for his fury flares up in a moment. How blessed are all who take refuge in him! (Psalms 2, 12)

  • Vent your fury on them, let your burning anger overtake them. (Psalms 69, 24)

“Para consolar uma alma na sua dor, mostre-lhe todo o bem que ela ainda pode fazer.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina