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  • And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God [is] not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake. (Genesis 20, 11)

  • When Judah saw her, he thought her [to be] an harlot; because she had covered her face. (Genesis 38, 15)

  • And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed. (Genesis 48, 11)

  • But as for you, ye thought evil against me; [but] God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as [it is] this day, to save much people alive. (Genesis 50, 20)

  • And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. (Exodus 32, 14)

  • Therefore now flee thou to thy place: I thought to promote thee unto great honour; but, lo, the LORD hath kept thee back from honour. (Numbers 24, 11)

  • Moreover it shall come to pass, [that] I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them. (Numbers 33, 56)

  • Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. (Deuteronomy 15, 9)

  • Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you. (Deuteronomy 19, 19)

  • And her father said, I verily thought that thou hadst utterly hated her; therefore I gave her to thy companion: [is] not her younger sister fairer than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her. (Judges 15, 2)

  • And the men of Gibeah rose against me, and beset the house round about upon me by night, [and] thought to have slain me: and my concubine have they forced, that she is dead. (Judges 20, 5)

  • And I thought to advertise thee, saying, Buy [it] before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people. If thou wilt redeem [it], redeem [it]: but if thou wilt not redeem [it, then] tell me, that I may know: for [there is] none to redeem [it] beside thee; and I [am] after thee. And he said, I will redeem [it]. (Ruth 4, 4)

“Menosprezai vossas tentações e não vos demoreis nelas. Imaginai estar na presença de Jesus. O crucificado se lança em vossos braços e mora no vosso coração. Beijai-Lhe a chaga do lado, dizendo: ‘Aqui está minha esperança; a fonte viva da minha felicidade. Seguro-vos, ó Jesus, e não me aparto de vós, até que me tenhais posto a salvo’”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina