Fondare 180 Risultati per: Offerings

  • These are the offerings you shall make: one sixth of an ephah from each homer of wheat, and one sixth of an ephah from each homer of barley. (Ezekiel 45, 13)

  • One sheep from the flock for every two hundred from the pasturage of Israel, for sacrifice--holocausts and peace offerings and atonement sacrifices, says the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 45, 15)

  • It shall be the duty of the prince to provide the holocausts, cereal offerings, and libations on the feasts, new moons, and sabbaths, on all the festivals of the house of Israel. He shall offer the sin offerings, cereal offerings, holocausts, and peace offerings, to make atonement on behalf of the house of Israel. (Ezekiel 45, 17)

  • On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the feast day, and for seven days, he shall perform the same rites, making the same sin offerings, the same holocausts, the same cereal offerings and offerings of oil. (Ezekiel 45, 25)

  • The prince shall enter from outside by way of the vestibule of the gate and remain standing at the doorpost of the gate; then while the priests offer his holocausts and peace offerings, he shall worship at the threshold of the gate and then leave; the gate shall not be closed until evening. (Ezekiel 46, 2)

  • When the prince makes a freewill offering to the LORD, whether holocausts or peace offerings, the eastern gate shall be opened for him, and he shall offer his holocausts or his peace offerings as on the sabbath; then he shall leave, and the gate shall be closed after his departure. (Ezekiel 46, 12)

  • concerning which he said to me, "Here the priests cook the guilt offerings and the sin offerings, and bake the cereal offerings, so that they do not have to take them into the outer court at the risk of transmitting holiness to the people." (Ezekiel 46, 20)

  • Take with you words, and return to the LORD; Say to him, "Forgive all iniquity, and receive what is good, that we may render as offerings the bullocks from our stalls. (Hosea 14, 3)

  • Perhaps he will again relent and leave behind him a blessing, Offerings and libations for the LORD, your God. (Joel 2, 14)

  • Burn leavened food as a thanksgiving sacrifice, proclaim publicly your freewill offerings, For so you love to do, O men of Israel, says the Lord GOD. (Amos 4, 5)

  • Your cereal offerings I will not accept, nor consider your stall-fed peace offerings. (Amos 5, 22)

  • Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings for forty years in the desert, O house of Israel? (Amos 5, 25)

“Comunguemos com santo temor e com grande amor.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina