Löydetty 152 Tulokset: loving your neighbor

  • Do not be angry with your neighbor for any injury, and do not attempt anything by acts of insolence. (Ecclesiasticus 11, 6)

  • Every creature loves its like, and every person his neighbor; (Ecclesiasticus 14, 15)

  • And he said to them, "Beware of all unrighteousness." And he gave commandment to each of them concerning his neighbor. (Ecclesiasticus 18, 14)

  • The compassion of man is for his neighbor, but the compassion of the Lord is for all living beings. He rebukes and trains and teaches them, and turns them back, as a shepherd his flock. (Ecclesiasticus 19, 13)

  • Question a neighbor, perhaps he did not say it; but if he said it, so that he may not say it again. (Ecclesiasticus 20, 14)

  • Question your neighbor before you threaten him; and let the law of the Most High take its course. (Ecclesiasticus 20, 17)

  • Gain the trust of your neighbor in his poverty, that you may rejoice with him in his prosperity; stand by him in time of affliction, that you may share with him in his inheritance. (Ecclesiasticus 23, 23)

  • For as a man destroys his enemy, so you have destroyed the friendship of your neighbor. (Ecclesiasticus 28, 18)

  • And as you allow a bird to escape from your hand, so you have let your neighbor go, and will not catch him again. (Ecclesiasticus 28, 19)

  • Forgive your neighbor the wrong he has done, and then your sins will be pardoned when you pray. (Ecclesiasticus 29, 2)

  • Remember the commandments, and do not be angry with your neighbor; remember the covenant of the Most High, and overlook ignorance. (Ecclesiasticus 29, 7)

  • He that shows mercy will lend to his neighbor, and he that strengthens him with his hand keeps the commandments. (Ecclesiasticus 30, 1)

“Não abandone sua alma à tentação, diz o Espírito Santo, já que a alegria do coração é a vida da alma e uma fonte inexaurível de santidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina