Löydetty 120 Tulokset: list of leaders

  • Now, on the sixth day they collected twice the amount of food: two homer per person, and all the leaders of the community came and told Moses this. (Exodus 16, 22)

  • But Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the leaders of the community rejoined him, and Moses talked to them, (Exodus 34, 31)

  • The leaders brought cornelians and other stones to be set in the ephod and breastplate, (Exodus 35, 27)

  • These were men of repute in the community; they were the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of Israel's thousands. (Numbers 1, 16)

  • Such were the men registered by Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel, of whom there were twelve, each representing his family. (Numbers 1, 44)

  • The chief of the Levite leaders was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest. He supervised the people responsible for the sanctuary. (Numbers 3, 32)

  • the poles round the court with their sockets, pegs, cords and all their tackle. You will draw up a list of their names with the loads for which each is responsible. (Numbers 4, 32)

  • Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community took a census of the Kohathites by clans and families: (Numbers 4, 34)

  • The total number of Levites whom Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel counted in their clans and families, (Numbers 4, 46)

  • the leaders of Israel made an offering; they were the heads of their families, the tribal leaders who had presided over the census. (Numbers 7, 2)

  • They brought their offering before Yahweh: six covered wagons and twelve oxen, one wagon for every two leaders and one ox each. They brought them in front of the Dwelling. (Numbers 7, 3)

  • The leaders then made an offering for the dedication of the altar, on the day it was anointed. They brought their offering before the altar, (Numbers 7, 10)

“Pense em Jesus flagelado por amor a você, e ofereça com generosidade um sacrifício a Ele”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina