Fundar 72 Resultados para: fulfill

  • I look for your salvation, LORD, and I fulfill your commands. (Psalms 119, 166)

  • You lightning and hail, snow and clouds, storm winds that fulfill his command; (Psalms 148, 8)

  • and to those who wage war they shall not give nor provide grain, arms, money, or ships; this is Rome's decision. They shall fulfill their obligations without receiving any recompense. (1 Maccabees 8, 26)

  • and to those who are attacking them there shall not be given grain, arms, money, or ships; this is Rome's decision. They shall fulfill their obligations without deception. (1 Maccabees 8, 28)

  • When you make a vow to God, delay not its fulfillment. For God has no pleasure in fools; fulfill what you have vowed. (Ecclesiastes 5, 3)

  • You had better not make a vow than make it and not fulfill it. (Ecclesiastes 5, 4)

  • Let nothing prevent the prompt payment of your vows; wait not to fulfill them when you are dying. (Ecclesiasticus 18, 22)

  • Before making a vow have the means to fulfill it; be not one who tries the LORD. (Ecclesiasticus 18, 23)

  • Admonish your neighbor before you break with him; thus will you fulfill the law of the Most High. (Ecclesiasticus 19, 16)

  • Give evidence of your deeds of old; fulfill the prophecies spoken in your name, (Ecclesiasticus 36, 14)

  • The LORD shall make himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day; they shall offer sacrifices and oblations, and fulfill the vows they make to the LORD. (Isaiah 19, 21)

  • Then the LORD said to me: Well have you seen, for I am watching to fulfill my word. (Jeremiah 1, 12)

“A meditação não é um meio para chegar a Deus, mas um fim. A finalidade da meditação é o amor a Deus e ao próximo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina