Gefunden 288 Ergebnisse für: God's wisdom

  • Will no one teach you to be quiet -- the only wisdom that becomes you! (Job 13, 5)

  • Have you been a listener at God's council, or established a monopoly of wisdom? (Job 15, 8)

  • But who can teach wisdom to God, to him who is judge of those on high? (Job 21, 22)

  • But where does Wisdom come from? Where is Intelligence to be found? (Job 28, 12)

  • let alone coral or crystal: better go fishing for Wisdom than for pearls! (Job 28, 18)

  • But where does Wisdom come from? Where is Intelligence to be found? (Job 28, 20)

  • Then he said to human beings, 'Wisdom? - that is fear of the Lord; Intelligence? - avoidance of evil.' (Job 28, 28)

  • I thought, 'Age ought to speak, advancing years will convey wisdom.' (Job 32, 7)

  • Great age does not give wisdom, nor seniority fair judgement. (Job 32, 9)

  • So do not say, 'We have found wisdom; our teaching is divine and not human.' (Job 32, 13)

  • I shall utter words of wisdom from the heart, my lips will speak in all sincerity. (Job 33, 3)

  • If not, then listen to me: keep quiet, and I will teach you wisdom. (Job 33, 33)

“O trabalho é tão sagrado como a oração”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina