Gefunden 155 Ergebnisse für: present

  • Josiah then provided for the use of the people, lambs and kids from the flocks to the number of thirty thousand, all as Passover offerings for all who were present, and three thousand bulls as well; all these animals came from the king's possessions. (2 Chronicles 35, 7)

  • The Israelites who were present celebrated the Passover and, for seven days, the feast of Unleavened Bread. (2 Chronicles 35, 17)

  • No Passover like this one had ever been celebrated in Israel since the days of the prophet Samuel; no king of Israel had ever celebrated a Passover like the one celebrated by Josiah with the priests, the Levites, all of Judah and of Israel who were present, and the people of Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 35, 18)

  • Now then, our God, great, powerful and fearsome God, you who keep your covenant and your love, take into account this misery which has come upon us, upon our kings and leaders, our priests and prophets, upon our fathers and all your people since the time of the kings of Assyria to the present day. (Nehemiah 9, 32)

  • I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who present the prayers of holy people and who stand before the glory of God." (Tobit 12, 15)

  • O God, my God, listen to me, a widow! It is you who made all things past, what is present and what is yet to come. It is you who consider things present and to come. Those things which you decided have been realized. (Judith 9, 5)

  • I have come to present myself to Holofernes, the general-in-chief of your army, to speak to him in all sincerity. I will show him a way by which he can advance and become master of the whole mountain without losing a single man either from injury or loss of life." (Judith 10, 13)

  • "You have saved your life by hurrying to present yourself before our lord. Approach his tent; certain men from among us will accompany you until they have handed you over safely into his hands. (Judith 10, 15)

  • Then when the girl was to present herself to the king, she was allowed to take with her from the harem to the king's palace anything she wanted. (Esther 2, 13)

  • we hereby decree that all the people indicated in the letters of Haman, who is in charge of affairs and a second father to us, be utterly destroyed with women and children, by the sword, without mercy or consideration, on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar, of the present year, (Esther 13, 6)

  • so that when these people, with their past and present ill will, have gone down into the world of the dead on a single day, they may at last leave our government in complete stability and peace. (Esther 13, 7)

  • These evil practices of past times, as attested by the records, have been carried over to the present in the crimes perpetrated by unworthy officials. (Esther 16, 7)

“É preciso amar, amar e nada mais”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina