Gefunden 163 Ergebnisse für: lying tongue

  • led by lying hypocrites whose conscience has been branded with the stamp of infamy. (1 Timothy 4, 2)

  • Those who think they are religious but do not restrain their tongue, deceive themselves and their religion is in vain. (James 1, 26)

  • In the same way, the tongue is a tiny part of the body but it is capable of great things. A small flame is enough to set a huge forest on fire. (James 3, 5)

  • The tongue is a similar flame; it is in itself a whole world of evil. It infects the whole being and sets fire to our world with the very fire of hell. (James 3, 6)

  • Nobody, however, can control the tongue; it is an untiring whip, full of deadly poison. (James 3, 8)

  • For if you seek life and want to see happiness, keep your tongue from evil and your mouth from speaking deceit. (1 Peter 3, 10)

  • After this I saw a great crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and tongue, standing before the throne and the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands, (Revelation 7, 9)

“Mesmo a menor transgressão às leis de Deus será levada em conta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina